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 Cybercrime encompasses a wide range of illicit activities involving computers, networks, and the internet. Let’s delve into the various types of cybercrimes:
  1. Child Pornography (CSAM): Involves the creation, distribution, or possession of sexual images of minors. It is punishable under Section 67(B) of the IT Act1.
  2. Cyber Bullying: Harassment or bullying conducted through electronic communication devices like computers, mobile phones, and laptops.
  3. Cyber Stalking: Persistent online harassment or stalking behavior directed at an individual.
  4. Cyber Grooming: The process by which an adult befriends a child online with the intention of exploiting them sexually.
  5. Online Job Fraud: Scams related to fake job offers or employment opportunities on the internet.
  6. Online Sextortion: Coercing victims into providing sexual content or money under threat of releasing compromising material.
  7. Phishing: Deceptive emails or messages that trick users into revealing sensitive information.
  8. Vishing: Voice-based phishing attacks where scammers impersonate legitimate entities over phone calls.
  9. Smishing: Similar to vishing, but conducted via SMS or text messages.
  10. Sexting: Sending explicit or sexual content via digital platforms.
  11. SIM Swap Scam: Unauthorized transfer of a victim’s phone number to a new SIM card for fraudulent purposes.
  12. Credit Card Fraud or Debit Card Fraud: Unauthorized use of someone’s credit or debit card information.
  13. Impersonation and Identity Theft: Pretending to be someone else online or stealing personal information.
  14. Spamming: Unsolicited and often fraudulent emails or messages.
  15. Ransomware: Malicious software that encrypts files and demands payment for decryption.
  16. Viruses, Worms, and Trojans: Malware that infects computers and disrupts normal functioning.
  17. Data Breach: Unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  18. Denial of Service (DoS) Attack: Overloading a system or network to disrupt its services.
  19. Website Defacement: Altering the appearance of a website without authorization.
  20. Cyber-Squatting: Registering domain names similar to existing brands with malicious intent.
  21. Pharming: Redirecting users to fake websites to steal their information.
  22. Cryptojacking: Unauthorized use of someone’s computer to mine cryptocurrencies.
  23. Online Drug Trafficking: Illicit drug trade facilitated through the internet.
  24. Espionage: Cyber-espionage involves stealing sensitive information from governments, organizations, or individuals.

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